The kRiSiS Arcade

This arcade is being built by me, Diego, and Julio. It's a MAME arcade, which means that it emulates arcade systems and fools a real computer into believing it's an arcade. :) It will also be able to play Super Nintendo and Nintendo with the original controllers and Dance Dance Revolution with a real pad hidden in the front compartment, behind a working coin box. It's also got a PS2. Yes, this box has it all!

This is where it all my notebook.

The original layout of my arcade was a bit crappy, but I hadn't thought of implementing all the stuff i have now. So here's the before and after:

I first designed the appearance of the arcade somewhat cut out and crap, but this soon changed when I rethunk it, and had Diego draw me up something cool in photoshop. Another before/after is comin'!:

Finally, after a month of planning, this is where all the work started. I took apart an old keyboard and started mapping out a matrix for it, which basically means all the combinations that make up the keys sent to your computer after a keypress. This was long and hard (gee, where have I heard that before?), but rewarding.

Sad that I won't be using this circuit after all the hours I put into mapping out its matrix. LoL. Call me stupid.

For those of you who actually enjoy a stimulating read, these are the goals for the arcade that I put down on paper.

And thus concludes this entire WIP! ...for now. *evil laughter*